Child of God, you are welcome here.
Trinity Lutheran-North Omaha welcomes all into the full life of God’s love because God has welcomed all.
We confess the neglect, abuse, pain, and violence the church has caused by walling off and withholding the love and grace of God, even in this place. We ask for your forgiveness for the ways we have failed to love one another as God loves us. While we will still struggle with bias, power, and fear, we also know that ours is a God of grace whose Spirit is constantly calling us into a new way of living that reflects Christ more fully. We pledge our work to this cause of welcome, openness, and love. We commit to an open-armed welcome for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, as well as the ongoing work towards racial equity. Our faith demands it, and we joyfully journey towards a more abundant expression of the church that Christ calls us to be.
We are reminded in Scripture that “there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for all are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). Because God has welcomed all, Trinity-North Omaha offers a heartfelt and Christ-centered welcome to all.
Knowing the list can never be long enough or exhaustive enough and that the Spirit always seeks to draw the circle wider, we speak a word of welcome especially to those the church and its members have often left out.
This welcome of Christ is yours, no matter…
· your age, size, class, color, race, ethnicity, education level, or socio-economic status;
· your sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression;
· whether you are married, single, partnered, widowed, or divorced;
· whether you have children or not;
· whether you are of differing abilities;
· whether you are a life-long Lutheran or have never heard of the Lutheran church;
· whether you are new to the faith or questioning;
· whether you have a criminal record or have been imprisoned;
· whether you are employed or unemployed;
· whether you are a citizen or undocumented.
You are welcome here.