Willing workers
Willing Workers is a group of women who get together every Wednesday morning at 9:30 for about two hours—most often quilting, but also helping to set up for fellowship events, gathering school supplies for school kits to send overseas with Lutheran World Relief and other needs of the church that come up. The quilting is a very simple tying of quilt tops to batting and backing, and no sewing skills are necessary. The quilts are then donated to Carol Joy Holling Camp and Lutheran World Relief. We conclude with a time for devotion and then share a meal with one another. This is a great way for stay-at-home parents or newly retired folks to get together to make new friends while providing community outreach for Trinity. If you are home bound, and like to sew, we have cut squares that can be taken home and put together to form quilt tops, and then brought back to the church to finish. Come and join us!